
Enhance education through technology


Create a culture of change to embrace technology and innovation

NMDELT stands for New Mexico Distance Education and Learning Technologies. 

As a branch of the Propel initiative, we are a team of adult education practitioners from around the state of New Mexico who provide support and training related to online and blended learning in adult education. We work with our fellow educators to implement and support best practices. 

We offer training and support for various learning technologies including:

Our Team

Nadia Kader

Nadia is currently a Professional Learning Coordinator for Propel. They coordinate the DELT team and projects. They have worked in adult education as a Pre-HSE/HSE instructor and an instructional coordinator for over six years. They have taught both asynchronous and synchronous online courses and also taught in person. Nadia can assist with instructional design, G Suite, creating designs in Canva, theoretical grounded instruction, course design, and finding resources (instructional and technical). 


Email: nadia@nmdelt.org   

Google Chat: nadia@nmdelt.org

Jamie Trujillo

Jamie is currently the Executive Director of NMAEA. She has been involved with distance education since 2010. She has led distance and classroom hybrid classes and facilitated many in-house workshops for programs as well as at many local and national conferences. Jamie enjoys providing support, training, and distance education techniques to all AE practitioners in New Mexico. Jamie Trujillo is the "moderator extraordinaire" of the NMDELT Team. She is also available for individual support for anything Google-related and EdReady.


Email: director@nmadulted.org 

Google Chat: jamie@nmdelt.org 

Meriah Lira

Meriah Lira is currently the Adult Education Instructional Coordinator at Clovis Community College. She had tutored English and taught ESL and HSE at Clovis Community College since 2014. Meriah began working with the Distant Learning Team in 2020 and has been working closely with the team and teachers across the state to provide technology support and training. 


Email:  mlira@nmdelt.org 

Chat: mlira@nmdelt.org  

Tina Hite

Tina Hite is the Director of Propel.  As an instructor, she initiated a "guided internet course" long before there were guidelines to do so in adult education. She attended Project IDEAL workshops in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2014.  With training and support of Project IDEAL, she provided DL 101: Teaching Adult Learners at a Distance training to most programs in the state.  She also taught DL 104: Study Group on Persistence as a pilot and then as an offering to NM programs. Tina primarily supports administrative issues for distance/hybrid learning.


Email: tina@nmdelt.org 

Google Chat: tina@nmdelt.org 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tina-hite-a1680259

Emily Glikas

Emily Glikas is the Director of Adult Education at Clovis Community College. During her time in Adult Education, she has taught HSE and ESL classes online and in-person, supervised and trained instructors, and worked as a hybrid instructor with the ACCE program. Emily has used a variety of Google tools to teach classes and administer Adult Education programs, and has extensive experience utilizing EdReady and NROC Resources with students in classroom settings and for independent study. 


Email: emily.glikas@nmdelt.org 

Google Chat: emily.glikas@nmdelt.org 

Jennifer Wilhite

Jennifer Wilhite has been a teacher in secondary education for almost twenty years and post-secondary for six. She currently serves as an Adult Education instructor at Clovis Community College and is thrilled to be part of the NMDELT team! 


Email: jwilhite@nmdelt.org  

Google Chat: jwilhite@nmdelt.org